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lay one’s cards on the table
摊牌,公布自己的打算  detail>>
lay the cards on the table
将自己的底细通通摆出来  detail>>
lay all your cards on the table
把所有情况和盘托出  detail>>
cards on the table
底牌  detail>>
lay the table
摆餐具 摆放餐具 摆放桌子 摆好餐桌(准备吃饭) 摆设餐具(准备吃饭) 摆碗筷 摆桌子 排放桌子  detail>>
to lay the table
摆桌子  detail>>
put all cards on the table
打开天窗说亮话  detail>>
to put all cards on the table
打开天窗说亮话  detail>>
the losing cards are ill some day lay
我一手的臭牌总有一天要摊开来  detail>>
lay-out table
辊道划线台  detail>>
shelve [lay on the table] a motion
搁置动议  detail>>
the plates lay on the table
工厂在小镇的西边  detail>>
play one’s cards close to the chest
竭力不动声色  detail>>
lay one on sb
给某人一拳  detail>>
lay one’s finger on
正确地指出  detail>>
lay one’s hands on
拿到,得到  detail>>
we have put our cards on the table
我们对他们已把话讲清楚了底牌亮清楚了  detail>>
lay down one’s life for one’s friends
为友舍命  detail>>